Opening on the 3rd of March at 19:00! Welcome!
The exhibition net, nett, nether by Carlos A. Correia generously brings together different bodies of work, from both Correia himself as well as other artists, creatives, and collectives, to show us just how organic and alive the world of art can be. Throughout the exhibition you’ll find the results of years of collaborations and countless dinner conversations. Next to pieces by Correia the exhibition presents works made in collaboration with Enrique Roura, Katherine Butcher, Joana Bruno through SMØR Press, and will feature the release of a fanzine by YMSE.
Artists have always worked collectively, whether it’s out in the open or behind closed doors. Many work for years, mostly without pay, to build organizations or studio spaces, and to help each other and their field grow. They try and try again to make something that’s more than what they started with, something fresh. Sometimes they try things with no apparent goal in mind, like they’re doing it just for the act in and of itself. Trying can be a way of working and a way of being in the work, to meditatively survey your place in the world and the surrounding landscape.
But much like in sports there are also hidden rules and structures in art. Some are good to have around, it makes the game more fun for everyone, while others can be a nuisance. At times it’s possible to break the rules and get away with it, as long as you’re aware of what you’re doing. I’ve come to consider this exhibition as an attempt to show us just how fragile and beautiful the games that we’re playing together in spaces like these are. There’s no net to catch us if we fall, we only have each other. And there’s a certain form of freedom in that, one we won’t find anywhere else.
Carlos A. Correia (PT) is a visual artist based in Trondheim, where he graduated with a Master in Fine Art from the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, NTNU in 2015. His practice has its foundations in the continuous exploration of the problems of «representation» using different tools and artistic methodologies. Correia is interested in the unlimited and sometimes indescribable results that these exercises lead to.
The exhibition has been made possible with support from Kulturdirektoratet, Trondheim Kommune and Norske Kunstforeninger.