Åpning den 20. oktober kl. 19, velkommen innom!
Things usually encountered outdoors have been moved inside. Sculptures shaped like portable barriers redirects your movements in between the four rooms at Heimdal Kunstforening. But this time the way around leads you closer. And you find engraved messages in the metal structure. It reads like scars and speaks of memories, about a trip to the beach. And so, we are moved to the ocean. You look down and see small fragments collected at the seat of your car. A picture is taking shape from the everyday still life: spilled coffee and sea creatures, a half-eaten apple and raging sun. Create some shade. Take a break. Spit out the core.
It all adds up to a sand cake.
Jasmine Christensson (b. 1993, Fjärås) is currently based in Malmö. She holds a BFA from Trondheim Academy of Fine Art (2018) and a MFA from Malmö Art Academy (2020). Christensson works in sculpture, text and installation. Central in her work are auto fictional narratives revolving around symbols and signifiers, which are variations of memory, loss and grief. Evoking poetics with materials she gives form to something recognizable, yet hard to describe. Christensson works by circling back. The project she often returns to revolves around a specific car and its relation to her brother who passed away in 2015. In this project she investigated the entangled narratives surrounding the history and ownership of the car, purposefully blending fact and fiction into an intertwined narrative that creates closeness between herself, her brother and a total stranger. Recent exhibitions include solo show ‘Fålla min fålla’ at Van Etten (2022) and ‘In the dark hood of my eye’ at Bærum Kunsthall (2021).
The exhibition will be accompanied by a text written by Lisa Torell.
Souvenir is supported by Kulturrådet, Trondheim Kommune and Norske Billedkunstnere.