Musikere ønskes / Musicians wanted

Musicians wanted to participate in a performance taking place in Heimdal as a part of the forthcoming Tatt av Heimdal-festival. Artist Amelia Beavis-Harrison is looking for musicians who are open to experimentation.

The art work Playing the News works with a series of local newspapers as a musical score, each musician will be asked to interpret the politics of the newspaper by both playing and speaking the text. Amelia is looking for all kinds of musicians except those traditionally associated with busking (or playing in the street) such as guitars, banjos, recorder, drums. Previously the work was performed with a violin, trombone and baritone. You will be needed for the actual performance and one additional short rehearsal.

Link to the sound of the previous performance:

Are you interested? Send mail to:

Følg med på prosjektet her og la deg bli TATT AV HEIMDAL.